What is the FHUT?
The FHUT is an investment vehicle that allows your money to be pooled with other unit holders’ money. This is then invested by FHL FML the fund manager for FHUT in investments that will enable your money to grow in value and earn income.
In return, you are issued with units and thus, become a unit holder with the FHUT. As a unit holder, you are entitled to receive returns on your investments in 2 main ways:
- Through dividends that you will earn every four months based on the number of units that you own (This is also known as ‘distribution return’); and
- Through possible ‘capital growth’ or the growth in the price of your units held in the FHUT over time.

The Fijian Holdings Unit Trust (hereinafter referred to as ‘FHUT’ or ‘the trust’) was first launched on 27th April 2001, designed to provide investors with an affordable, high quality investment product that offers competitive returns. The FHUT investment product is open to all Fiji residents and non-resident investors.
Investment objective
The investment objective of FHUT is to provide you, the unit-holder, with income (dividends) every four months as well as capital gains on your investments which will only occur if you invest over the medium to long term i.e. 5 years and more.
This type of investment is suitable if you want the value of your funds to grow over the medium to long term and accept that the returns, although not guaranteed, may fluctuate over the short to medium term.